Hello guest visitors to Casino- Crush..

I noticed today just how many of you visit our beloved Casino Crush to view and enjoy all the great offers and games available here at CC so I thought I'd take this time to say a BIG HELLO!!!!!!!! and ffer you up some real great reasons to join us here as a member..

1) By joining as a member you get to earn CC points - thats our forum currency of sorts - and this allows you to enter contests for REAL cash prizes each month - on average $800 is given away each month!!!
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3) You'll also be able to utilize our VIP offers which after just a mere 5 VIP points you can cash them in for a cool $100!!!!!! to your Neteller account (must be certified) - and you can keep earning and earning by depositing at our sponsors casinos.
Now there really are many of advantages to being a member here at Casino Crush and I could literally list 10's and 10's of them but one of the best reasons to join here is the great sense of community here..it is like no other and we offer you so many different avenues to entertain yourself while visiting...
SO come on..join up and be part of the family. I'm DrCrush and will lend you a hand at anytime you may need it..

Hope to see many of you join...

Casino Crush moderator