Last month I was arbitrarily removed from the LUU contest for a breach of rules that were not posted until after I was removed. The rule that I broke could only have been the rule of "No Bumping". Geno posted the new rules that were to be adhered to from that date onward.
This month (April) I have witnessed many breaches of the posted rules that ADMIN clearly stated would result not only in a removal of said posts, but a removal of the offender from the LUU contest for that month.(April)
From the first day of the LUU contest this month, I have witnessed MANY repeat posts. At one point I saw the same PROMOTION posted FOUR times on the portal! I've seen posts from an ADMIN from another site, who clearly should know the rules at this site, make posts that resemble this....... BANNER BANNER BANNER <<< I Dont know if this will work or not...but go ahead and click .
You may ask why Spook, a very calm and non confrontational person is making this post! I joined Casino-Crush 3 years ago. From that time until now, I have deposited almost exclusively at casinos I have downloaded from Casino-Crush banners. Those deposits equate to 10's of thousands of dollars. Up until last month , I was treated with a degree of respect at this site. When I was removed from a contest for for a PERCEIVED impropropriety , that was the day my Loyalty was shaken.
If Admin had carried the same rules over to this month, I would have accepted it, no questions asked. That did not happen, as was promised in Admins post. Eight of the top fifteen LUU contestants were in clear violation of the posted rules.
I waited all month , hoping I would not have to make this post. The LUU contest has never been a big concern of mine, I've posted PERIODICALLY to simply do my part as a forum member.
Rita, you are truly a wonderful person, and I am going to miss you, but I can not continue to be a member of a site where I do not believe that I am being treated equally!