Remember when CC was a fun place to be?No one complained about anything and most members got along fine.CC made money and members picked up a few dollars to play with.Then along came a few No Deposit junkies complaining about seeing codes they already used.These junkies come and go every month,never depositing and making cash for CC.But somehow these peoples inability to track codes they have used,changed everything here.All of a sudden the loyal members who try hard to make cash for CC are getting punished for doing what keeps CC running.All posts,new,old,repeats,bumps,whatever,all make dollars for CC.I see at least 3 of the top LUUers who aren't in this month.Banning the members who work the hardest to earn cash for CC because of what a few ND junkies want is totally unfair.Personally,everything I do at CC and PC is for the benefit of both sites.Do we see these junkies organizing poker tournies,helping other members,depositing(rarely I'm sure).
We had comradery and friendship and all worked for the benefit of all.REMEMBER WHEN???I DO!!!!