Hello Crushers, my sitemates ~
You see them on television every day. The celebrities. Yet some of them have never worked hard at anything. I often wonder just why they are considered celebrities and why they are honored enough to be familiar to anyone with a TV set. I have even been known to mumble, "Who cares?"
Then there are the others. You have never seen them on the media. They lead their quiet lives in private. Yet day after day, they work hard at something which truly is worthy of honor.
I would very much like to honor one of them here -- and to give her just a little bit of the recognition she deserves. She is one of our very own. One of many among us here at Crush who deserve more recognition than they will ever receive.
We can do something to fight injustice quite often, even if we have to do it one person at a time. That one person today is our gjr1961, whose real name is so appropriately Gloria.
From the private world of our PMs, I am bringing out into the light, a message I sent her yesterday. I am thinking this will let her, too, be a bit of a celebrity, if only for a moment.
Dear Friend Gloria ~
I just had to thank you for honoring me by allowing me into your private life long enough to share this very special day with you.
I know your post was to all of us Crushers, but it hit me in a way that led me to take it very personally, as if you were talking to me alone.
It is a very special thing you have done today - opening your heart as a gift to us. Just like the extra special thing you have done every day for the last 7,300 days!
What a glorious achievement you have going on in your life! If you never do another commendable thing, you will be able to end every day from now on with the self-respect that comes only from accomplishing in each day what some never do in a lifetime of days.
So look in the mirror before going to bed every night -- and smile at that friend of mine you see there! She deserves so much respect and high esteem from you.
Just one more Crusher friend,