OK All... i am really PISSED off and i don't think i'm the only one!!! The sons of B*****S in the us govenment are thinking of giving ILLEGAL aliens OUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS!!! The jerks take 1/2 of everything we make right off the top, then they take another 1/3 of it for everything we buy. WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE TELLING ME WHERE I CAN SPEND MY LITTLE PIDDLY AMOUNT THAT I HAVE LEFT!!! ASS****S!!!!! we don't even have a say in what they are doing with the first half they take.... giving it to illegals??? i'm sorry but when i'm in the grocery store and i'm behind someone who CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH whip out a food stamp card then drive off in a BMW ,I GET PISSED!!!! land of opportunity my aunt fanny!!! the only opportunity i see is for the illegals. we as americans have no rights anymore.. we just foot the bill for everyone elses chance. NOW they go and take one small thing we have left...leisure time gambling... they probably want us to donate our entertainment money to the presidential CAMPAIGN fund...i tell ya.. if hillary becomes president i think i'll move to figi and draw illegal alien benefits from their government... atleast internet gambling is not illegal there.Sorry if i stepped on anyone in particulars toes, my anger is toward the way the idiots are running our individual lives!! TIME FOR A REVOLUTION!!! we're 30 years past due for a revolution according to the us constitution!!! UNCLE SAM IS A JOKE!! ok i feel better now.... take care all... and remember BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU ...