Hi Crushers, this contest was suggested by two Crushers, Josie46 and annacris. Thank you ladies!
Which is your favorite online casino and why?
Please remember to place a casino banner in your post. Everyone that answers this question and places a casino banner in their post will be put into a random drawing and 1 lucky Crusher will receive $29.00 in their Neteller account.
YOU MUST POST HERE A BANNER OF A CASINO USING OUR BANNER TOOL AT https://www.casino-crush.com/casinodb/banners.php (just find a casino and copy and paste the code - no need to use the 'Code' button.. just literally paste it in your post and you'll see!).
You will need 2,900 cc-points in to redeem a cash prize of $29.00.
There are lots of ways to earn cc-points which you can see in your welcome letter at https://www.casino-crush.com/bb2/welcome_to_cc_forums.php
If you do not have enough cc-points to win a cash prize yet, you'll be credited with 2,900 cc-points instead - so next time you win - you'll be able to cash out. However, we recommend you check out the many other ways to earn cc-points.
Accounts will be credited within 10 days after the close of the contest.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:13 pm; edited 2 times in total