Rhyming Bingo Numbers Picked for April, 2012:
1 #1 is full of fun! (NonoNanette)
2 Visiting the loo number 2 (Shirlsplay)
3 Climbing the tree at 3 (CowboyFan)
4 sit on the floor number 4 (Shirlsplay)
5 my tie #5 (josie46)
6 What is better than 5 licks? Of course it is six! (6) (CATLICKER)
7 Ya need a drink, Kevin? ... c'mon 7!!! (crzynana2001)
8 Aways a Wait with #8 (josie46)
9 #9 is fine (Josie46)
10 Win, win with # 10 (sharon030161)
11 Seven plus four is eleven (yorkidorki)
12 It's swell to be twelve 12 (win4maw)
13 its all bad and no luck 13 (josie46)
14 Going to see my sis when it is day fourteen, i hope i will not need any dramamine (lisa39)
15 In My Dream I Saw # 15 (PUZTIME)
16 SWEET SIXTEEN (r8er4ever)
17 TEENAGE QUEEN 17 (josie46)
18 18 and life to go (cambaby2)
20 What A Comic - Your Soooooo Funny # 20 (PUZTIME)
21 Your sexy bun @ 21..(ojisplayin)
22 There's plenty of Mountain Dew! 22 (NonoNanette)
23 I think it should be....#23 (gjr1961)
24 Don't be a bore at 24 (Bower50)
25 Feel alive 25 (Shirlsplay)
26 i got sick with 26 #26 (josie46)
27 Many more with 27 (win4maw)
28 How About A Bingo Date # 28 (PUZTIME)
29 It was mighty fine to win on 29! (NonoNanette)
30 Isn't she pretty? but she's old, like 30 (r8er4ever)
31 The dirty one 31 (CowboyFan)
32 How bout we do #32 (sharon030161)
33 Do you like a cup of green tea? # 33 (annacris)
34 Lock the bingo door after # 34 (Bower50)
35 I'm not in the hive at 35 (win4maw)
36 HELLO SWEET STICKS #36 (ojisplayin)
38 HOW ABOUT A DATE WITH 38 (yorkidorki)
39 Walk the line # 39 (Shirlsplay)
40 40 is the new 30 (cambaby2)
41 Im so fun with #41 (sharon030161)
42 42 that will do (prissi74)
43 Look at me i'm 43 (shirlsplay)
44 Get the back door 44 (win4maw)
45 See Geno jive at 45 (Bower45)
46 46 and I got the pix to prove it (r8er4ever)
47 47 im in heaven (CATLICKER)
48 Can't be late 48 (Shirlsplay)
49 Please be kind call 49 (r8er4ever)
50 Hope to be shifty & Nifty when i am 50 (Shirlsplay)
51 #51- Came to bingo, and I won, rhymed my number, now i'm done! Thanks, had FUN!!! (cambaby2)
52 Soon I'll blue cuz I turned 52 (gjr1961)
53 just a Breeze with #53 (josie46)
54 Can't we play one more? 54 (Matty92243)
55 take a dive with 55 (rsablebomb)
56 How to get your kicks at 56 (Bower50)
57 In craps, c'mon 7 or 11; but in bingo, c'mon 57!! (CATLICKER)
58 Geno Bingo is late! #58 (sharon030161)
59 wine and dine me at 59 (win4maw)
60 JUMPS 3 OVER RICKSTER!! HO-HA-HE #60 (ojisplayin)
61 Having lots of fun at 61 (Bower50)
62 A dog named Boo #62 (sharon030161)
63 Good to be me at 63 (Bower50)
64 Four score and 64 (win4maw)
65 It's alive # 65 (Shirlsplay)
66 Mix up the tricks with 66 (CowboyFan)
67 Leavein' for sex even 67 (win4maw)
68 lots of GREATS at 68 (josie46)
69 There is always time for a 69 (r8er4ever)
70 Oh well won't see that number again # 70 LOL (win4maw)
71 One for thumb at 71 (win4maw)
72 I hope we still do at 72 (gjr1961)
74 Money Honey 74 (josie46)
75 Hope to be alive when am 75 (Shirlsplay)
78 seven eight it all 78 (win4maw)
80 maybe baby @ 80 (cambaby2)
81 My son was 81 (yorkidorki)
84 Ate on the floor with 84 (CowboyFan)
86 too old to fix at 86 (broxi)
89 Seven Ate Nine with 89 (jdan11)