Dear Crushers,
Yes, our exclusive game Mazuma Mazes continues our long series of Mazes named A through Z!
This long series will be made in parts, this 3rd part including the following:-
Geno's Joy - random style with a total of $135 cash prizes with a mixture of $1 to $10
High on life - lanes style with a total of $160 cash prizes with 150 x $1 prizes!
I see space - no walls/no swaps - just roam around collecting = total of $105 cash prizes with $1-$10 value
There is a total of $400 worth of CASH prizes hidden within these 3 mazes!
Maze G opens when F is completed and and then each maze will open in order as each previous letter is completed ...
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total