Aww its Spring Time in the Rockies here, I love spring time. I love to see the snow melt, grass turn green, trees in blossom and ohhhhh those beautiful spring flowers.
Time to put the flannel in the back of the closet and bring out the speedos and tube tops lmaooo NOT!!! Its also time to see the weeds start popping up. Grrrrr for some reason they seem to try and overtake the beauty of spring time. All of a sudden, that green lawn now has yellow flowers in it. The rose bush that you are trying to train to grow up a trellus has now a vine that has started from scratch and overpowerd the poor rosebush, in about a weeks time. lol How do they grow so fast?
We pick them, we dig them, we chop them we poison them, to no avail. Yes the mighty weeds. Do you have a particular one that you really dislike? One that you have fought and fought through the years, thinking in the fall you've finally won the battle, to find in the spring it raising its ugly head to challenge you again? lol
Crushers, this contest is simple, got any favorite weeds you love to hate? lol Any tales of woe of how you fought the battle and thought you won to find that you only helped them multiply? lol Any weed that should replace the state flower because of its bounty. lol
How about any success stories of how you fought the battle and won? Any help for us that have brown thumbs except when it comes to growing weeds? or other then salt, how about how you get rid of those slimmey snails, ughhh. lol Any gardening tips, do's and don't's? Any words of wisdom? No right or wrong answers here, anyone that enters this contest and places a casino banner in their post will be placed in a random drawing.
There will be 2 prizes of $25.
1) You must include a banner from the CC database in your post.
2) You must have a certified NeTeller account in order to receive payment.
3) You will need to have 2500 CC points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner does not have the required CC points then 2500 CC points will be awarded in lieu of cash.
4) This contest closes on May 24th. Winners account will be credited within 10 days.
Good Luck Crushers!
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Wed May 25, 2005 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total