UPDATE 7th Jan 2005:
Hi everyone,
All prizes won up to in December have now been paid so we are now up to date with prize payments
Thank you all very much for your patience and I hope you enjoy your belated winnings
Thank you again
Happy Gaming Always,
------------- Original Post reads -----------------
Dear Winners,
I'm very sorry to announce that unfortunately, we have experienced problems in receiving some of our payments from casinos. This is actually down to 2 different reasons:-
1) They are simply paying a bit later than expected for December.
2) We also have some payments which will not be made at all as since the commission was earned, we had some large 'charge-backs' (where naughty people deny they made the purchases on their credit card(s) and as such the casino lose out, and unfortunately so do we.
Whilst (2) happens from time to time, and we cater for this, we don't usually get to the point where we have the situation where both (1) and (2) happen at the same time so this has caused us problems keeping to our 7 day maximum turnaround for payments.
Please bear in mind that we do always pay as soon as possible and that this is very often much earlier than our 7 day limit.
Please also rest assured every winner will receive their cash prize at the latest by middle of January - hopefully much sooner.
I can only apologise for any disappointments and hope that this does not spoil your experience of CC too much. This is the first time I think we've had to delay payments to you, and I assure you that we'll take the necessary steps to avoid this in future.
Thank you again for your patience, your continued support and all your lovely messages and contributions to CC forums over the past year and I hope this will continue in 2005 and beyond
Best regards always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:29 pm; edited 4 times in total