I received 2 emails yesterday. One from Grand Mondial and one fron Players Palace. They both said the same thing, So I only posted one:
Dear Gloria (Vgmrxxxxxxxx),
8 Bonus Credits have been added to your account!
If money makes the world go round, then Bonus Credits must be the jetfuel that propels it! Get your 8 FREE Bonus Credits simply by logging in to Grand Mondial - it could be just what you need to kick-start your winning streak into action!
With over 350 games to choose from you"ll be spoilt for choice, and with 8 FREE Bonus Credits added to your account, You are already a winner!
Simply login and play today at Grand Mondial!
Best Regards
Frank Thompson
Casino Manager
I found them in my SPAM (junk) mail, so they could've been easily missed. GL - I hope you find something too!!