Hi everyone,
Here's some extra opportunities for you to earn more cc-points for being a loyal member to Casino Crush Forums.
From 1st March 2004 we will ONLY be sending promotional mailers to those who have opted in specifically to our Promotional Mailer group(s)....
How do you opt-in? Easy!
If you click on "Groups" menu, and scroll through the groups - you'll see there are "Promotional Mailer" groups for US, UK and Euro. You can see which groups you belong to and which ones you can join.
To Subscribe
Simply select the Group you wish to view or join and click "View Information" to the right, and then click "Join Group". Your membership to that group will show as pending until we approve it (we of course will approve all memberships generally within 24 hours but generally in much less time).
To Un-Subscribe
To unsubscribe, just select the group from your "Current Memberships", click "View Information", then click "Unsubscribe".
This will help us only send mailers that are of interest to you, AND by staying in these groups, you will earn extra cc-points for each Promotional Mailer group you belong to. You will get extra cc-points for posting new topics, making and getting replies to yours and other topics, and sending private messages.
We will only send you 1 email (per promotional mailer group) - coupon code informer emails whenever there are new ones added.
More points for more posts!
We've made it even more worthwhile for you to contribute as now as you move up the ranks of Little Crusher, Crusher, Big Crusher, Extra Big Crusher, and Extra Special Crusher (Gold), you'll earn even more cc-points for your topics, replies and for sending private messages to other members of the board.
(Please do not post rubbish to build up your rank or you'll have cc-points deducted and persistently doing this may result in your being banned from CC forums!)
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:27 pm; edited 3 times in total