Hi all,
Well we sure had a bit of fun with this last month, and we'd like to be able to give you a bit more incentive to place our banners using a special code which includes your forum id as well which will get you credited.
There will be some extra cc-points given to those of you in the top 5 (of course this is in addition to the points and tickets you already earned for posting them). This will happen on 8th June.
Also, I'll be announcing some Redeem opportunities for those who post our banners with their forum name using our banner code utility here and at other forums (you can get 50 cc-points per each banner/link you create at another forum using our code - only in 'allowable' places though please).
Then, at the end of the month, those members achieve the most clicked banners (genuine / unique clicks only are counted), will be able to redeem their cc-points for cash (a guaranteed redeem opportunity).
The number of people able to redeem will depend on the number of clicks received in total, and the amount of interest generated from your banners. Rest assured, if we do well from your links, you also do well
The following is not finalised yet, but I will revise these on 8th/9th June:-
Minimum redeems - Top 5 click members - $25 (for 2500 ccpoints) each
If more than 30 members participate in this,
Top 10 click members - $25 (for 2500 ccpoints) each
If there are over 500 (genuine) clicks overall generated from member banners - Redeems will be $50 for top 5 click members.
If there are more than 1000 (genuine clicks) Redeems will be $50 for top 10 clicks members.
Mystery Bonus - On top of the above redeems which would be made available to you, everyone who makes the effort will earn one entry per click into a random draw for $100 each month.
Therefore, it's possible to win/redeem up to $150 per month for one member and up to $50 for 9 others EVERY MONTH!
(The above is to be finalised and will be confirmed if we see a good amount of participation, so please support this idea by taking part asap). I will review this when I get back from holiday - there will definitely be something for those who make the effort I promise
Happy Posting and Happy Earning all

Last edited by crushadmin on Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:48 am; edited 3 times in total