Play roulette on the 25 through 26 of every month and you could walk away with a share of €10,000.
Give either of the roulette games a spin on 25 through 26 of every month and you could be one of 175 lucky players who'll receive a cash bonus worth up to €500.
That’s not all: Bet just €25 on roulette and you'll automatically qualify for a 25% deposit bonus worth up to €75.
You could win one of the following cash prizes every time you spin the wheel from 25 through 26 of every month:
• Three players will receive €500
• Five players will receive €250
• Seven players will receive €150
• 10 players will receive €100
• 20 players will receive €75
• 30 players will receive €50
• 100 players will receive €25
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