As you know Crushers, our beloved Geno and Orangie are on their way to none other than.........
You've already told us what you think they should have taken with them!

For this contest, I'd like you to tell us what you think Geno and Orangie should bring back from Vegas

4 prizes of $25 each
1) You must post a banner from the CC database with your entry
2) You will need to have 2500 CC points to redeem for a cash prize. If the selected winner does not have 2500 CC points then 2500 CC points will be awarded in liu of the cash prize.
3) The contest will run until March 31st.
Have fun CRUSHERS!!
LadyCrush and Dr. Crush

Last edited by LadyC on Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:23 am; edited 2 times in total