the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God.
That's what makes Christmas special!
Its message is electrifying, its supernatural dimension awesome
and its dynamic affect upon society historic!
The fulfillment of the ancient prophecies,
the message of Gabriel - the archangel - to Mary and Joseph,
the wise men's "guiding star", the angelic visit to Judean shepherds
and God's revelation of Jesus' identify to Simeon in
the Temple underscore the significance of this great event.
I thank God for Christmas and the impact of its
message on our lives; spiritually, morally and socially!
Christmas will always be special and exciting.
A time for family and friends. A time for loving,
sharing and relaxing. And a time for giving and receiving.
Every Christmas is basically the same.
Scriptures outlining the Savior's birth are read in our
churches, sermons are preached and carols are sung.
Bible texts are featured in newspapers,
sacred music played over radios and Christmas cards exchanged by the millions.
Highlighted through it all, are the hopeful words of the angels
to the lowly shepherds, that first Christmas morning.
"Fear not: for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people. For unto you is born
this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."
Christmas is a time to dispel fear, by sharing the Gospel in word and deed -
helping lift someone's heavy load -
and pointing them to the Savior who will grant forgiveness, peace and joy!
The story of Christmas says that someday there will be peace on earth
and goodwill among men because of God's great gift
and Christ's sacrifice for us.
Merry Christmas to all and have a Happy New Year
The Gambling Cowboy