What's This Then?
Dear Crushers,
Whilst trying to deal all this USA stuff, in between the waiting, you'll hopefully be pleased to hear I haven't just been twiddling my thumbs - I had an itch in the coding pants area and the itch had to be scratched.. Well.. erm... Anyway.. lol..
I've created something where you can promote your Top 10 Voted sites (from the Best Sites Voting). You don't need to do very much other than use the code given to you on the Banner Code page (rather than click this <- link best to click on the Red Banner Code button when posting - not in quick reply mode).
Once you are on the Banner Code page enter your forum name (if not already there) and then click Submit on the Banner code page. You will see your code just underneath the menu once you click on submit. Simply copy and paste it into anything where you can use HTML!
Please note your 'best voted top 10' is based on ALL your votes from EVERY month - not just the latest month.
Here's an example of my code - click on the link and you'll see where it goes and that all the links already have my LUU code attached too

As always, any feedback for possible improvements (please post them as a reply here rather than PM them to me) and I will be sure to look into them

Happy Linking Up


Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total