Hi fellow members ~
This is an observation I made this morning that has nothing to do with anything. I just found it interesting and it sent me off on one of my mind's strolling paths for easy, pleasant thinking.
Ever notice how most people are creatures of habit?
I was browsing through our Memberlist, as I often do, and I started with descending, sorting for locations, to see if there were any new members from my area -- West Virginia, USA.
Everybody was following suit, listing their state or city and state and some adding the country.
Then somebody listed only "USA". (I had really enjoyed seeing WHERE in the USA.)
From then on out through many pages, every location was listed only as "USA". Everybody felt comfortable following suit, as is human nature for most.
And that ended my joy of discovering who was from where in my country.
(I warned you it had nothing to do with anything!)