Dear Crushers,
We're pleased to announce that we will be starting another EXCLUSIVE Slots Tourney with Go Wild Casino (Microgaming) for the month of June 2009.
This will have a Live Leaderboard with frequent updates (to be determined currently - but at least Weekly to start off).
There will be a bunch of prizes starting with a prize pool of 200 bonus credits which we will of course do our best to increase with good participation
Scores will be based on Slots Wagering - as per our other tourneys and those with the top scores will win their share of the prize pool.
What we need you to do now as soon as possible please is:-
- Register your Go Wild Casino account via one of our banners (only those registered via our banners before or from now will be eligible).
- Get your account Confirmed in our VIP Area (existing full access VIP members - you know how to do this already).
- If this will be your first VIP account signed up via a CC banner then you'll need to please PM me (crushadmin) with Go Wild VIP in the subject and include your Player ID at Go Wild.
- Once confirmed (you get a PM advising you), you can then go and enable your account for Tourneys (via My VIP accounts).
- (Any existing Go Wild players with VIP accounts already confirmed with us) can just go in now and click on the Enable Tourneys button and read the terms, click Agree and you will then be all ready to go.
Then, you will be able to see your name in lights on our Leaderboard (which will be included in the Tourney topic we'll create on 1st June). You only need to register your account and Enable it for tourneys ONCE and then you're good to go for this and any future tourneys with Go Wild
Let us know what you think of this (apart from the obvious non-USA acceptance of players please lol) and we look forward to your taking part next month
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun May 31, 2009 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total