Hi there everyone,
As promised, I've today added some more great games for you game-crazy folk
Today, I have added the following games:-
Arcade Games:
Submarines - a 'cheap' game points blasting game to help you boost them if you're running low.
Casino Games:
Roulette - The old casino favorite.
Puzzle & Word Games:
Shell Game - bet and play the "ball under the cup" type game to win!
So Lingo - a strategic word guessing game - very addictive!
Poux Puzzle Game - a cross between jewels/tetris
Shoot Em Ups: (New Category)
1992 - like the flying attack arcade game 1942
Sports Games:
Dolphin (jumping through hoops) Game - a neat little game of survival and jumpin' through hoops
I hope you enjoy these new games as well as your old favorites.
Watch out because we'll be adding even more later this month!
Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:09 pm; edited 2 times in total