Dear Crushers,
Welcome to our 19th Birthday Party Celebrations!
Let's get ready to dance, have some cake and end this party with a blast!
Refill your glass and get ready for the last bunch of Birthday games!
Here is the final part of our Birthday Contests - this one also runs for 5 days (from 11th until 15th December). Winners will be announced on/soon after 16th December.
In a similar fashion to our previous ones -- each day has a different birthday game so please make sure you post the right reply on the right day
Day - Game --- Check what you need to post on which day!
11th - Let's get some Birthday Tunes going! Simply gives us an idea for our birthday party play-list. Song + Artist please (no duplicates please). One random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
12th - Cookies and Cake Time! Tell us your favorite Cookie or Cake! 1 x random winner will be chosen from all eligible entries.
13th - Play our free Mazuma Mazes prize hunting game. POST A REPLY saying you are in the maze (and tell us which one/s) and I will check that you are in the maze on the draw date (16th) - so you have time to join the group, make a post and join the maze if you are new (see the Contests forum for maze details). Any prizes you win in the maze of course are yours to keep too! 1 lucky winner will be randomly drawn from those that have posted on this day AND are in a maze at the point the draw is made.
14th - Last chance to dance and finish up your drinks! Simply post a toast to Casino Crush on this day before our birthday party ends. 1 random winner will be drawn from all toasts posted.
15th - Grab your slice of our RAINBOW CAKE! Choose a color of the rainbow to select your piece of cake. 1 color will be randomly chosen on the draw date and then 1 random winner will be chosen from those that posted that color.
Prize Draw:-
On/soon after 16th December I will draw up to 5 winners as follows:-
1 member will be randomly drawn from eligible answers each day .... so 1 member will win from posts made on 11th,, 1 from the 12th etc ... up to the 15th. Each prize is $5 for 500 CCpoints and there will be a maximum of 5 prizes.
Each member CAN win more than once in this contest (so if you are chosen for one day, you can still win on other days).
Winners will not be drawn until the END of the contest - they will NOT be announced each day so to maximize your chances - post a reply each day with the theme for that day (above).
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total