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150 Gold Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:59 am    Another ROYAL CONTEST Closed Winners Announced
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Hi gang!

I am carrying around a suspicion that every one of us is STILL carrying around a secret from our childhood about a secret "pretend" game we played!

Well, what better time and place to let it out than here among good friends, who also have such a secret????

For a chance to win $30 (two of you!), just tell us about it! LOL!

Can't wait to read the entries for this one!!!! How about you? That is the most fun of lots of Crusher contests, think I. LOL

I will even start us out with one of my own!

Remember: To receive the $30, you must PM Geno with your QuickTender account ID, if you win and haven't let him know yet (for USA members). Everybody must have a place online for us to send your cash to -- one that we use!

Remember also: You must have 3000 CC points to redeem for the cash. If you don't have them, you will receive the 3000 points in lieu of the cash, so you can redeem next time you win!

Remember, too: You may choose to receive CC merchandise instead of cash, should that be your preference. Click on "CC Store" in the red area at the top of every page to see what we have available, all top quality!

The two winners will be chosen at complete blind random, so all entrants have an equal chance to WIN!

Good luck to all, THANKS FOR ENTERING, and now I will start us out.

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150 Gold Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:10 am    -
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Hello again, sitemates!

When I was about 7 years old, I knew I wanted to become a teacher --soooooo bad!!!

When I could find a place to be alone at home, I would take out my gravels (little stones) and lay them out on a table in the same arrangement as the desks in my elementary school classroom.

Then I would get a book and, having memorized where everybody sat at school, I would be first one stone (student) then another, taking turns reading aloud. I would change my voice to mimic the voices of my classmates!

At the same time, I was, of course, the teacher. When "the teacher" felt a need to write on the chalk board, I would do so with my finger (nothing in it) on the wall.

Many hours I spent this way!

I did, eventually, work my way through college and became a teacher, then a college prof, and I am STILL taking random university courses.


NEXT! ........

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Gold Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:15 am    -
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One time my BFF and I scrounged up every nickel we could find and snuck into the El Torito (because it had a cigarette machine) and bought a pack of marlboro 100's than we went to the park by her house and preceeded to smoke every cigarette in the pack we both went home green around the gills and for the next 2 days stayed home sicker than dogs, from the nicotine (i guess) anyway as far as I know to this day some 30+ years later only her and I know why we had the FLU Wink

Not really a game but it surely was a stupid thing to do and one of my childhood secrets thanks for the contest and good luck everyone!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:19 am    -
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A good entry, msfilly, and VERY funny! I can see you two in my imagination!

Thanks for helping me get us started!

Be an individual,all! Nobody's entry has to be anything at all like either mine or msfilly's. JUST HAVE FUN WITH THIS!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:27 am    -
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Your's was cool to not a lot of people have a child hood dream actually come true after all I still waiting to be a fairy Princess with a handsome prince LOL

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Half Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:33 pm    -
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when I was about 12 or 13, me and a girlfriend and 2 boyfriends used to play truth, dare or torture...the torture was always having to kiss (with tongues of course) for 20 seconds. It was amazing how much we hated it. Things sure changed a couple years later!!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:39 pm    -
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I know EXACTLY what you mean, ejae!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:35 pm    -
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When I was 7 or 8 years old the people next door got a shetland pony. Since his pen was in their back yard, every day after school I would go out and feed him sugar cubes, carrots or apples before they got home from work. I pretended he was my horse, and we lived on a big ranch.
Every once in a while they let me ride him, but they never knew I lived in my own little world with "my little pony".

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:28 pm    -
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When I was about 7 0r 8 my older brother and I used to go in the basement of the people next door and play "house" with a little boy and his big sister. We would play that we were couples. The secret part was we would sleep together and kiss. This is what we thought grown ups did when they slept together, so it was kept real secret.

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Half Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:12 pm    -
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Here is what I did!

When I was younger and my mom would send us to our room....
4 siblings..... older brother and sister, younger brother and sister,
cuz we were always driving her nuts.... (we were an active bunch)
I would tell them: Pretend mom never came home one day and then I
would start singing to the tune of LASSIE... mommy, I want my mommy,
I would sing this about 3 times and everyone us would be crying like big
old babies.... My mom would open the door and say What in the world is
wrong.. My mom would then tell us to go outside and play.
Worked every time! I eventually told her what it was
all about (not until I was about 24 or so....)
She just laughed and of course said "I know cuz I would listen to you,
I knew a lot more about what you kids than you knew"


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:49 am    -
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I have had this secret ever since I was in my early teens. A bunch of us kids were exploring the woods ,which were close to our house one day. Well some how I had gotten seperated from the rest of them and was by myself. As I came over the top of this little hill I saw what look like a entrance to a cave. Now we have walked through these woods a number of times in the past and never saw this before. The night before it had stormed really bad,so I guess it blew open just enough of the entrance to where I could see it. By now everybody else had started to head for home as it was getting close to dinner. Well I decided to go down an take a look. When I got to it sure enough it was a cave! It looked like it was not that big of one,so I started to look around inside. I came up to this huge rock,and right next to it sticking out of the ground just a little was what looked like metal. I took another rock and dug around this metal until I had uncovered a tin box. When I had gotten this box out of the ground it felt like something was in it. I open it up and there was a bunch coins and dollars that somebody had buried there! Well instantly all these thoughts started to fill my head, with all the things that I could buy. But then I thought twice about it and put it back in the ground. And to this day had never told anybody about this.

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Half Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:40 am    -
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When I was 16 years old I snuck out of the house to go to a graduation party with some friends. While we were there we had quite a bit to drink and of course got in our car and tried to drive home. We ended up taking a corner where there wasn't a corner and went up on someones yard and back across the road and into a tree. Thank god we were all o.k. but to this day my parents still have no idea that I snuck out or was in an accident. My in-laws do however know all about it because it was their yard that we tore up and their nice tree that stopped us! About 6 years ago my husband and I bought the house and when he mows the yard he always points out where my friends and I wrecked.

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150 Gold Dollar Crusher

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:21 am    -
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OMG! Crushers, these are the MOST amazing answers from any of MY contests!

I thank you sooooo much!

Not many in yet but whew! the ones that are!!!! I either laughed or cried at every one so far!

You just don't know how much I appreciate your trust in one another and in me!

To share these long-kept personal secrets -- just among ourselves --SITEMATES, ISN'T IT WONDERFUL??!!

And I imagine good psychology too, just to let them out to somebody.

I LOVE THIS ONE!!!! (Even if it IS my own! hehee)!

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:15 pm    -
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Mine is similar to yours, Royal. My grandparents farmland had a one house school that we pilfered for pull down maps, books and old school supplies. I then set up my own little school room in the basement of my house and pretended to be teacher.....i was really good at point out things on a map of africa i knew nothing about....but pretending to know everything about...well, that part about me hasn't changed much....lol.

Now I know you don't want to hear about my playing doctor expereinces....

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:21 pm    -
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they say that moms can tell there identical twins apart well that isn't true...
when me and my sister were born my mom had to leave the braclets on us to tell us apart and when they got to small she always put me in blue and my sister is pink well wel loved to go to the barn and switch out cloths around just to confuse my mom
it always worked unless my older sister was in the room... since then I have grow to be the taller skinnier one of the two and mom can now tell us apart

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