Dear Crushers,
Our exclusive game Mazuma Mazes continues our long series of Mazes named A through Z!
This long series will be made in parts, this 5th part includes the following:-
Mazuma Maze Maximus - $500 in prizes in this big random maze with walls, swaps and plenty of points, moves and cash prizes ... MMM!!!
Naughty lane jumpers - lanes with swaps and all sorts of prizes
OMG - this one's wall-free! -- No walls or swaps -- just a nice treasure hunt with all sorts of prizes
Possibly the trickiest Mazuma! - Checkered based maze with swaps and lots of prizes. This maze starts off with walls and spaces like a checker board but then swaps and prizes are added
M will open when our last one from part 4 ( L ) has been completed
N will open when M is completed
O will open when N is completed
P will open when O is completed
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed May 01, 2019 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total