Dear Crushers,
We have a huge crossword for you to puzzle over during December.
The words and clues are made up from a bunch of previous crosswords including birthday and christmas themes as well as more random ones to make it more of a challenge.
Please POST A REPLY saying you would like to take part AS WELL as completing the crossword (you can find that from the top menu).
Maximum Score possible : 227
Score to qualify for a random draw prize : 200+
Prizes = 1 x $10 prize (random draw) per 5 people that get the maximum score of 227 (max 5 prizes)
Prizes of 1 x $5 prize (random draw) per 5 people that get a score between 200 and 226 (max 5 prizes)
YOU MUST BE SURE TO *FINAL SUBMIT* YOUR CROSSWORD BEFORE THE CONTEST ENDS ON 31ST DEC 2020 (or else you will not qualify). You can SAVE you progress as many times as you like before Final Submit (but you may only Final Submit ONCE).
This crossword is open until 31st December 2020.
Good luck everyone!

Last edited by crushadmin on Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total