If we don't act now, we could witness the biggest wolf massacre in the lower 48 states to occur in decades. Please submit your public comment today to protect endangered wolves in the Northern Rockies»
The Bush/Cheney administration has our wolves in their crosshairs, and we have less than one week left to prevent the slaughter of hundreds of wolves in the Northern Rockies.
Federal officials are poised to eliminate vital protections for these magnificent animals and spark the biggest wolf massacre in the lower 48 states to occur in decades. Together with our partner Defenders of Wildlife we have already submitted over 120,000 official public comments in support of wolves, and the deadline for comments is Wednesday, May 9th.
We need you to submit your comment online today -- please speak out for wolves!
In February, officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration proposed removing gray wolves in the Northern Rockies from the Endangered Species List, and turning over management of wolves to Idaho and Wyoming -- two states more concerned with eliminating wolves than managing them.
Lawmakers and anti-wolf extremists in Idaho and Wyoming have already announced plans to kill hundreds of wolves, putting the gray wolf's future in the American West at risk. Idaho's governor C.L. "Butch" Otter proposed to kill all but 100 wolves after delisting, saying, "I'm going to bid for the first ticket to shoot a wolf." Wyoming wants to kill as many as 2/3 of the wolves within its borders.
Even Yellowstone's wolves, whose re-introduction in the mid-1990s was a major conservation accomplishment, could be shot on sight in Idaho and Wyoming if they leave the safety of the park.
When the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973, gray wolves were one of the species listed as endangered that year. With one stroke of the pen, the Bush/Cheney administration could wipe out decades of work to bring wolves back from the brink.
The clock is ticking -- please sign the petition to protect wolves today: https://go.care2.com/e/R9iI/iamt/.BTF
Thank you for taking action today,
Rebecca Young,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team