Dear Crushers,
Whilst Rita (OrangeCrush) is off sick I will do my best at covering our Bingo Marathon sessions but due to the times and other things I must get done - I really will not be able to make as many sessions as we had before.
However, of course I do not want people to miss out on the fun completely and I do love doing them so I have a few more realistic options to keep our Bingo Marathon's going --- to try out for the rest of January.
So, previously there were 2 sessions every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday each week with 2 games in each session. These were always at 1:30pm EST and 9pm EST (EST is forum time) as shown at the top right of each page.
These are therefore at 6:30pm UK time and then 2am UK time (my time zone) - and with the many other commitments I have particularly now - this is just unworkable for me to do on my own. I also need to keep Saturdays free as this is generally the only day/night that we get to catch up with friends that work during the week.
I am therefore proposing that we change these times and days to one of the following for the remainder of January 2017:-
Option A
- Bingo sessions of 2 games at 3pm EST ( 8pm UK time for me) on Friday and Sunday OR Monday only (no Saturdays and either Sunday OR Monday)
Option B
- Bingo sessions of 2 games at 6pm EST (11pm UK time for me) on Friday and Sunday OR Monday only (no Saturdays and either Sunday OR Monday)
Option C
- Bingo sessions of 4 games at 9pm EST (2am UK time for me) on Sunday or Monday only (no Fridays or Saturdays)
Option D
- Random Bingo sessions of 4 games whenever I can do them (could be ANY day but unlikely to be a Saturday) - at least 1 day per week but this will completely depend on my schedules during each week - but I will definitely do at least 1 each week - and these would generally be 6pm EST (11pm for me) or maybe later (latest 9pm EST / 2am for me) and I would announce them in the Bingo Marathon topic at least 6 hours before the start.
Option E
- No preference (if you are happy to go with whatever other votes are most popular)
My plan for the moment is to do the Friday (6th January) and Monday (9th January) night games at 9pm EST (2am my time) and then after this - see how the voting looks.
Of course I could possibly do some other options but for the sake of being able to get a most popular option - I have to limit it to just a few options..
So, please vote on the 1 option that would suit you best (and please feel free to post with any suggestions) and after the votes are cast -- I will go with the most popular (or if there are ties - then I'll drop the least popular and we can vote again as quick as possible) ...
I would really appreciate your votes ASAP so that I can come up with a new plan for the rest of January / at least until Rita is back - but obviously I want Rita to have as much time as she needs to recover fully before coming back.
Thanks everyone for your understanding and I look forward to hosting Bingo again for you again soon

Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:56 pm; edited 4 times in total