Dear Crushers,
The birthday bonus calculations have been due a review for some time now since they were brought into effect in May 2018 (after being announced a year before).
There are a few changes - mainly for past topics and posts (those over 1 year) - these will attract a much lower amount than previously as to be fair - the birthday bonus given by casinos is generally based on the past year and we want to encourage activity - not just be paying for past years.
So, from 1st May 2022 - all bonuses will include the same amounts for the past 1 year and only 10% of the previous weighting / multipier for topics and posts that are over a year old.
I hope that you understand that we can't afford to give away more and there are plenty of you that have enjoyed reaping the benefits over the past few years from all your posts.
Please continue to keep active and if possible - try and post more great topics for everyone to enjoy and you will still get a very reasonable bonus that I still think is a unique thing for any gambling forum.
Thank you everyone for your continued support and understanding
Happy Gaming Always,