This seemed like a good place to post what I wanted to share with everyone, because Im excited about it.
I have had two very lucky experiences gambling, once online and once not online.
The first was this last summer, I deposited $30.00 at Carnival Casino and played Fruitmania, I hit for $600 three times within 20 minutes, then switched over to Jacks or Better video poker and hit another $400. I was down to my last $5.00, and within 1 hour I was up to $2500.00, that was a great experience.
Now this second lucky day still has me in a state of shock, lol. Last Friday, 2-2-07, I went down to the corner store where I live and bought $20.00 worth of Washington State Lottery scratch tickets. The first $2.00 ticket I scratched off I ended up winning $1500.00!!!! This was the first time I have ever won anything significant on a scratch ticket, also I am the first person to ever win big on a scratch ticket at the store where I bought them. I have become the most popular person in the area where I live now, lol. can't go down to the store without having to tell everyone about it! I think the reason why its so shocking is because out of the whole production run of this game I won on, there are only 17 $1500.00 winners seeded throughout all the tickets, and the game is put out in the whole state, so imagine the odds.
It also came at a really good time, I am now raising my 9 month old daughter on my own and just got laid off from my job for the winter season for 10 weeks and wasn't sure how I was going to make it through this downtime. Now, everything is okay.
Thank you for letting me share this experience with you all, and I hope that you all get to have a little bit of good luck like I did.
Good luck to everyone, I hope you all win big!