On Wednesday, I found out from my daughter Angela that the mother of one of her best friends had suffered from a brain aneurysm Tuesday evening. Today, Glenda was pronounced legally brain dead. Her body is currently being kept alive while organ harvest is being arranged, as per what she had wanted.
For any family, this is both difficult and devasting. But to add to the devastation, the father, Jerry, must also deal with the fact that both of their kids ( Christine & Johnathon) suffer from severe bouts of depression and he has been told that he may have to have both placed in a facility for suicide watch. Both have been on suicide watch a few times in the past. The possibilty of this happening with Christine is even greater as her birthday is next Tuesday and funeral services may take place sometime next week.
I would like to ask you all to please pray for this family, to help give them the strength they need. May God bless them and take care of them in this great hour of need.
Thank you.