Hi Gang ~
There is a huge motel within walking distance to Orange Crush's house. But they have a problem. At least 50 of their rooms are always vacant. Why?
Well, it seems many people have claimed they have seen ghosts walking in the halls and even coming right through the doors of rooms, sometimes at embarrassing times.
So Old Man Manager and Old Widow Owner have come up with an idea to save their business. They have appealed to OC and Geno to build an attraction that will bring unknowing visitors from all over the world.
The project is to be a giant slots machine, as big as a huge Ferris Wheel with 3 reels of seats. Geno and OC have agreed and they have invited all Crushers to come and help, with both ideas and the work of building it.
It will be located in OC's huge back yard, and visitors, as well as Crushers, will have no choice but to stay in the "haunted" motel.
Okay, Crushers, THIS IS A CONTEST. Another outrageously funny long, long story, written by YOU!!!
Prizes for your contributions to the story will be both cash prizes and CC points. Make as many entries as you can think of to add to our story and keep it going.
Now let's see who will be the first to start us off. You already have the background. So let's all pitch in and write a story to crack ourselves up (or scare ourselves to death)!
Go, courageous first writer!
Contest presented by RoyalCrush

Last edited by royalblush on Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:03 am; edited 1 time in total