Hello Crushers!!! You've all heard the phrase "better late then never" right? lol Well I think they must of been thinking of me when they made up that phrase lol. This is my crazy contest that is only ermmm 22 days late for the mods contest. But.....you do have 1 day left to enter before this contest is over.
Crushers, you know me and my silly contests that I continually force on you monthly right? lol Well this one is even worse. hehee I am so very embarrassed about spacing out this contest and I really hope that you all will forgive me.......so here's my contest. lol
Tell me Crushers, have you ever done anything to embarrass yourself? Or am I the only one to ever do such things? (its getting to be a daily ritual for me any more ) If you have and would like to share, lol, please do. If you haven't or don't want to share with us....thats cool too. Just post "I'm perfect" in your post and make sure you place a casino banner along with it. All entries will be placed in my tupperware bowl and not 1 but 2 Lucky Crushers will win $25 each in their Neteller accounts.
- All CC Forum Members with at least 2,500 cc-points for a $25 Cash Prize
(Those that don't yet have 2,500 cc-points, please go earn some - check out the Link-Us-Up Contest - this is just one of many ways as well as our Daily Treasure and Bonus Bounty Slot to get those valuable CC Points).
- YOU MUST POST A BANNER OF A CASINO USING OUR BANNER TOOL AT https://www.casino-crush.com/casinodb/banners.php (just find a casino and copy and paste the code - no need to use the 'Code' button.. just literally paste it in your post and you'll see!).
- All members entering this contest that places a casino banner in their post will be placed in a random drawing and have at least 2,500 cc points will receive $25 Neteller Cash.
- Eligible players (i.e. those that have done the above and have at least 2,500 cc-points), will be placed into a Random Draw for 2 x $25 Neteller Cash (which will be redeemed for 2,500 cc-points).
- Any winners declared not having 2,500 cc-points to redeem will receive 2,500 cc-points in their accounts to be used in future contests.
- This contest will close on April 24th, 2005 when winners will be announced.
- Prizes will be paid within 10 days (often sooner) to Certified Neteller accounts (your forum email must match that in your Neteller account).
Good Luck Crushers and
Happy Gaming Always!
Last edited by OrangeCrush on Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:06 am; edited 3 times in total