Okay, OC ~ You are the best partner anybody could hope to work with, BUT.......whose screenshots did you steal and post?
SERIOUSLY NOW -- Sweetest One, you have just made my day!!!!!! And the first thing in the morning! On that hateful day I have to go to the pain clinic monthly!
That is some serious party money, OC! I am sooooo happy for you! HAVE A BLAST, g/f! Enjoy every last penny of it!
I can hardly believe it! Wonderful! Vunderbar! WooHooooooo!
Just wish I lived closer.
By the way, when in the world did you find time enough to gamble enough to win that? OH! I FORGOT! GENO IS OUT OF THE PICTURE, ON VACATION! te hee hehee hehee yeehaw!
You can be expecting my screenshots any time now. How long did he say he would be gone?
Love ya, g/f, and you have just made me mighty happy!