Hello Crushers!
Over the past 31 days we've had a lot of different contests, different activities around here and despite throwing in how busy everyone is at Christmas time, we have had excellent participation from you wonderful members!
We really do appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to participate in our Birthday/Christmas/New Years party and hope you have enjoyed it!
I was going through re-reading the past contests, your comments are so good and you all are really great sports when it comes to participating in the contests! (I damn near peed my pants, again reading the Slow Dance contest as 1 example lmao)
Anyway where was I going with this.. .. lmaooooooooo oh yeah we promised we'd give out $3,000 this month and with a few extra dollars to go as I was re-reading the contests I decided a good way of getting rid of those excess dollars would be to reward the people that no matter how busy their schedules are, no matter how lame the contests were lol, they were there every single day, every single contest without fail.
I thought this would be very easy to figure out but....it wasn't. I sincerely wish I could give everyone prize money but unfortunately Geno said "no" lmaooo just kidding. I was very surprised we have a lot of Crushers that only missed 1 or 2 contests, you guys all deserve a medal for patience, endurance and over all good sportsmanship!!!
But....we did have 3 Crushers that come hell or high water participated in everything!!! (should probably get them help rather then give them money huh? lol)
Without further nonsense from me, I would like to sincerely thank win4maw, beckie33 and ghost30 for being so loyal and dedicated and within 10 days your Neteller accounts will each have an extra $30 in them.
I also would like to thank each and everyone of you fantastic members for making my "job" so fun! Thanks for putting up with me and my crazyness and thank you for supporting CC with everything you do here.
I wish win4maw, beckie33 and ghost30 the very best of luck with your winnings and would love to see some "jackpot" screenshots!!!
I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!!
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:08 pm; edited 1 time in total