Dear Crushers,
We've had our CCPoints Lottery (the LOTTERY menu option up at the top) for quite some time now.
You can buy tickets (up to whatever the maximum setting is) and each ticket costs the the configured number of CCpoints, with a starting amount that is also added to the pot.
This was previously 100 CCpoints per ticket up to a maximum of 50 tickets and the draw took place automatically approx every 24 hours (depends when someone visits the page to check/play).
This month I am changing the configuration so that the starting amount is 0 - so only the value of the CCpoints paid for in tickets will be won by whoever the winner is!
To give you a bigger chance to win bigger points you will also be able to buy more tickets and for a higher number of CCpoints.
So, from 1st December you can buy up to 100 tickets at the price of 1000 CCpoints per ticket!
Every ticket has an equal chance of being drawn (of course having more tickets means you have a great chance of your ticket being the winning ticket).
So, if you fancy gambling some of your CCpoints in our lottery you will now have 2 chances to play every 24 hours ( once every 12 hours rather than previously once every 24 hours).
Give it a go and see
At the end of the year, I will see how many have played (please make a post here if you do and wish it to be kept with this new configuration) and maybe we can keep it this way ... or feel free to let me know if you'd prefer a different configuration and we can take a vote on it for the future
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total