Dear Crushers,
Here is our contest idea from dbonkers --- Guess the Christmas Song!
example "As they shouted out with glee..."
What song is this?
Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer
Here is how it works:-
1. The first person to make a post to the contest (or first to post after the last winner has been declared) ... posts PART OF the Christmas song (must be at least 4 words) AND send a Private Message to crushadmin to confirm *THE CORRECT ANSWER*! EACH PERSON CAN ONLY START *ONCE* (after they have won or lost - a different person must chose a different song with a part of that song for others to guess).
2. OTHER Members can then post a guess (one at a time, no posting again until another member has had a guess).
Then ...
3. Each Day (*), I will come in and check on the answers. (*) time of day may change a bit but I will do my best to be consistent.
--- If nobody has guessed correctly , then the person that posted the Clue/Part of the song will win UP TO $5
------ $1 if there were no guesses made
------ $2 if there was only 1 incorrect guess made
------ $3 if there were 2 incorrect guesses made
------ $4 if there were 3 incorrect guesses made
------ $5 if there were 4 (or more) incorrect guesses made
--- If someone has guessed correctly, the first one to have posted the correct answer will win UP TO $5
--- The amount of the prize will be determined by how many incorrect guesses were made before the correct guess ....
------ $1 if there were no incorrect guesses before ...
------ $2 if 1 incorrect guess made before ...
------ $3 if 2 incorrrect guesses before
------ $4 if 3 incorrect guesses before
------ $5 if 4 or more incorrect guesses before
THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE WINNER DRAWN EACH DAY --- so if you think the correct answer has been guessed and don't wish to make another then wait until the last song winners have been declared before starting a new one.
Good luck everyone Who will be first to start ? REMEMBER IF YOU ARE THE PERSON TO CHOOSE THE SONG - you must post the Part of the song here BUT ALSO Send a PM to ME with the CORRECT ANSWER (so that I can monitor and judge accordingly each day)
YOU CAN ONLY BE THE FIRST TO POST / CHOOSE A SONG THROUGHOUT THE CONTEST (even if a new topic for a new song been made).
These below will be updated after each song starts in a new topic and winners are declared (the most recent topic will show the full list - older ones will not be updated).
Song choosers / Starters so far:-
17th Dec: anneandalan - Clue: Part of the song: "one in the park as" (It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas)
18th Dec: annacris - Clue: Part of the song: "for weak and for strong"
Winners so far:-
17th-18th Dec - win4maw - $1 for 100 CCpoints
18th-19th Dec - mlj774 - $1 for 100 CCpoints
Good luck and Happy Choosing and Guessing everyone!

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:33 am; edited 4 times in total