Dear Crushers,
We've just improved our Redeem module so that casinos can now update the status of your Redeems online when they Confirm or Decline your Redeem claims. You can also see when your most recent 50 redeems were claimed
If you click on the Redeem page, just below the Redeem Logo/banner you'll see a link that says CLICK HERE TO SEE YOUR REDEEM HISTORY AND STATUS UPDATES - you can then see the current status of any recent claims.
From there, you can see your most recent 50 redeem claims (most recent first).
AND... for redeems placed on/after 20th October 2008, you will also be able to check the status ...
(Blank) - for those submitted/claims before 20th October 2008
PENDING - Submitting to the casino and awaiting checking/crediting
CONFIRMED - Redeem bonus has been credited
DECLINED - Your claim was denied
It also shows the Last Update (the date of claim for 'PENDING' or the date of update if CONFIRMED or DECLINED).
These are now updated by the casino when they credit (or decline) your bonuses.
Hope you find this new feature useful
Best regards always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total