Dear Crushers,
Welcome to our 19th Birthday Party Celebrations!
Let's continue the party .... you've all sung us Happy Birthday -- right ?
So, top up your glass and get ready for the next bunch of Birthday games!
Here is the second of our Birthday Contests - this one also runs for 5 days (from 6th until 10th December). Winners will be announced on/soon after 11th December.
In a similar fashion to our last one -- each day has a different birthday game so please make sure you post the right reply on the right day
Day - Game --- Check what you need to post on which day!
6th - We play Pin the (what) on the (what) ? (Like Pin the TAIL on the DONKEY) - please give us other variations of this game and write them in the form Let's play pin the TAIL on the DONKEY (example) .... please look at previous posts as duplicates will not be a valid entries!
7th - Truth or DARE -- suggest a DARE for this party game.
8th - Alphabet Raffle - Choose a letter and a word beginning with that letter that has something to do with birthdays / birthday parties. Again - please do NOT use the same letter that someone else has used or only the first to post it will be counted when I pick a random letter to find our winner. If all letters have been used by the time you get to post - then sorry but later entries will not be accepted.
9th - How many steps on my stairs? Guess how many steps there on my staircase at home (it is a ground floor and first floor house - so only one staircase). I will make a random draw of all correct guesses (or nearest)
10th - Favorite Birthday Present you've ever received. Please post the best / favorite BIRTHDAY gift you ever received and tell us in a few words why it is your favorite / best. All eligible entries go into a random draw.
Prize Draw:-
On/soon after 11th December I will draw up to 5 winners as follows:-
1 member will be randomly drawn from eligible answers each day .... so 1 member will win from posts made on 6th, 1 from the 7th etc ... up to the 10th. Each prize is $5 for 500 CCpoints and there will be a maximum of 5 prizes.
Each member CAN win more than once in this contest (so if you are chosen for one day, you can still win on other days).
Winners will not be drawn until the END of the contest - they will NOT be announced each day so to maximize your chances - post a reply each day with the theme for that day (above).
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:27 am; edited 2 times in total