Please excuse me if this is rambling....................
Through all of the hustle and bustle of lists and finding the "right" gift for him or her; the holiday card sending and receiving; the picking and then trimming the tree, I feel the need to bring your attention to another group of people.
In America alone, there are tens of thousands of people suffering from Depression and unable to join in the Christmas joy. Whether their "holiday blues" are from depression, a sick or a loss of a loved one, loneliness, or a combination of these, the result is the same.
The sad thing about it is that many of these people are around you, possibly every day. It could be a family member, a coworker, or even a friend. This condition is generally masked to others. They don't want to ruin anybody else's holiday by telling them something like - it takes all of their energy simply to get out of bed each day and sometimes can't even manage that. At that point, they may say they are sick or not feeling well. if you wish them holiday cheer they will respond in kind and try to manage a smile or a lilt in their voice. However, when the door is shut, or the phone hung up, the sobbing begins and seems everlasting.
They are silently counting down the days until the whole thing is over and they can get back to their lives in the new year.
With Depression, comes an extremely low opinion of self. This makes it nearly impossible to believe that there are people who truly care about them. Their reality is that there are not people who care or love them because they do not deserve it. If problems arise, they often don't seek help because they don't think they are worthy of help. Often the only solution, what they pray for, is death; so that the devastating pain will finally be gone.
If you pay attention, you may find someone that has the symptoms. My advice is to not confront them (they will deny it) but simply show them love. Maybe call, email, or stop by more often. Give compliments, tell people they are appreciated and why. Say I LOVE YOU!
After all this is the season of sharing, what better to share than love?