Dear Crushers,
I'm very pleased to announce that we have another private slots tourney with Slotastic Casino! New players can sign up by clicking on one of the banners below
Here are the full details:-
� Game: Enchanted Garden
� Name: CASCRUSH1808SL
� Maximum 10000 Players
� Password: MAGIC
� Start Date: 1st of August 2018, 0:00 EST
� Duration: 31 Days
� Announced: 1 day before start
� Registration: 8 hours before start
� Buy-In: Free, for that you get 5 minutes play time and 5000 chips
� Add-Ons: 100 possible, cost $2+ 20 Cent Rake, you get 2 minutes and 2,000 Chips
� Casino guarantees $300
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always!
Last edited by crushadmin on Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total