Dear Crushers,
Following tradition of our previous years - the birthday party has now finished and now it's time to warm-up for the run-up to Christmas!
We will have a number of prizes of either $3 for 300 CCpoints or $5 for 500 CCpoints. All members may take part UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 5 times / 5 posts.
To have a chance of winning simply tell us one or more things that you always do on the run-up to Christmas (including how you warm-up and/or keep warm) AND including a greeting to your fellow Crushers.
Each post (entry) must contain:-
- a seasonal greeting to your fellow Crushers (preferably a differently worded greeting in each post)
- something you do in the run-up to Christmas and / or how you warm-up / keep warm during the festive season (again - different in each post please)
The drawing of prizes:-
Soon after the end of the contest (20th December 2019) ... the topic will be locked for further entries and ...
All eligible entries will be placed into a random draw of $3 or $5 prizes (for each prize I will simply flip a coin - Heads for a $5 prize, Tails for a $3 prize). The number of prizes will be determined based on the number of individual participants and the number of total entries.
Any member that has posted more than the maximum 5 times will not be eligible for any prizes so please do not post more than 5 times in this contest!
Each member can win more than 1 prize but each post will only be eligible to win one prize (therefore up to a maximum of 5 prizes being the maximum number of posts per member).
Let's start spreading the Christmas Cheer!
Best wishes everyone!

Last edited by crushadmin on Sat Dec 21, 2019 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total