Dear Crushers,
Yes, our exclusive game Mazuma Mazes continues our long series of Mazes named A through Z!
This long series will be made in parts, this 2nd part including the following:-
Dish the Dough! Lots of $1 prizes - collect all you can before someone hits the end
Easy Peasy! No walls - just make your way around collecting all you can until someone finds the jackpot.
Fast and Furious! (a big long maze with lots of moves every time bonus)
There is a total of $400 worth of CASH prizes hidden within these 3 mazes!
Maze D is already open and and then each maze will open in order as each previous letter is completed ...
Good luck everyone and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total