Hello Crushers, and a special Welcome to all our NEW Crushers..

This is a new contest that will be a MONTHLY feature for all our Newest Crushers to participate in. All members who joined Casino Crush during the current month or the previous month may enter this contest.
In order to win this contest we want all our NEW members to post a Hello in this thread...

In order to claim a cash prize please remember you MUST have at least 3000 CC Points. Now when you join Casino Crush you automatically receive 1000 CC points to get you off and running to the many great rewards of being a member here at Casino Crush.
So we have also added some links for you to review (at bottom of post)
that will tell you the many ways you can earn many more CC Points to maximize your ability to earn the CC points you need to claim a cash prize...

2 x $30 Cash Prize
1) You may only enter if you joined Casino Crush during the active month or the previous month.
2) You will need to have at least 3000 CC Points to claim a cash prize. If the selected winners do not have 3000 CC Points then 3000 CC Points will be awarded instead of a cash prize
3) You must include a banner from our casino database. This can be done by following the below link:
4) Have FUN.

5) The winners will be posted on the last day of each respective month. Certified Neteller accounts will be credited within 10 days after the close of this contest. If you do not yet have a certified NETeller account please log into your NETeller account and follow the instructions there to get certified. This our only way we can currently send Cash prize winnings...and ALL our contests pay CASH.

6) You must have accumulated at least 3000 CC points in order to claim a cash prize. If you do not have 3000 CC points then 3000 CC Points will be awarded in lui of the cash prize.
CC Points - The many ways to earn
CC Points Explained
This link explains to you why CC Points are so valuable..

Casino Crush Mailers
Opting into our mailer groups always keeps you up to date on the latest exclusive promo's at Casino Crush and earns you CC Points. Sign up today and start earning.
CC Treasure Chest
This is a mystery draw where you enter your user name and email address to see if you are the winner of the mystery cc points..

This can now be played ONCE every hour and you will see just how fast those CC Points can add up..

FREE Daily Lotto
This is a daily lotto draw and you can now enter this up to an incredible 20 TIMES PER DAY!!!. This is must do for earning those valuable CC Points...

You can also participate in our Daily Bingo sessions where you can win CC points as well as great random Cash Prizes. Remember NO FORUM rewards it's members like Casino Crush does...

And don't forget you need CC Points for those valuable CC Point redeem offers where you get rewarded with FREE casino Credits for playing at certain casinos. Look at the top navigation bar for the CC Point redeem link..

Happy Gaming Always
The CC Staff

Last edited by Guest on Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:50 am; edited 1 time in total