Hi all,
As part of our continual improvements we plan to introduce new languages into our Bonus Database in the future.
In order to be able to do that, I need to update a bunch of code that uses the bonus database within the forum.
As such, I will be updating the following areas today (Monday 17th May 2010)..
If you receive an error whilst using any of the following, PLEASE copy and paste the exact error message AS WELL AS what you were doing at the time (within the forum - not 'scratching my head' lol) as a reply to this topic.
- VIP Area
- Coupon Coder Area
- Redeems Area
- Best Sites Voting
You should be still able to use all of these areas as normal but whilst we are doing changes there is a chance of 'me messing up' the code possibly. ...
These are the only areas that should be impacted by the changes being made today and you shouldn't notice anything - but if you do notice anything odd, then please let me know by just posting a reply here (please do not PM me as if there is a problem I'll get a bunch of repeat PMs and my inbox will explode!)
I'll post again once all of this is completed but please don't stop using any of the above - it should all work perfectly
Thanks very much everyone
Last edited by crushadmin on Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total