Dear fellow members, my sitemates, and fellow staff ~
Ever since I became a staff member at CC, I have received many PMs from people wanting to know something more about me.
So I have decided to just sit down and do a thorough evaluation of myself, while frequently looking into my eyes in the mirror, and then to post it here. I am exposing myelf as a person publicly to a point far more than I have ever done before at any time or any place. But since my fellow members often ask and trust my opinion on things that matter, I believe you deserve to know me well.
So, here goes:
Well, I am bluntly honest, loyal to both people and causes I like and admire, and I love animals, especially all doggies, sometimes I thnk more than people!
I have a genius IQ, although you would never guess it from my posts, because in many things, I know very little about them.
When I love, I love with great intensity -- and I can neither love nor like anyone whom I cannot respect.
I am often called overly-empathetic, because I find it so easy to put myself in others' places and feel what they feel and hurt with them if they are hurting. Sometimes to the point of even developing their hurting symptoms. There is nothing I can do to control this aspect of the Nature I guess God gave me before birth.
I have been an extremely hard worker all my life, even as a kid. At first, it was necessary. Now it is an unbreakable habit.
I have a big sense of humour, and am easily tickled to laughter, but in spite of that, my normal demeaner is quiet, thoughtful, and solemn.
I need other people, more, I think, than most.
I have no predjudices, whatsoever, am not in the least judgemental, and believe very strongly in personal freedoms and the right to individuality. I care nothing about current styles or fads.
Although the majority opinion is that I am very attractive, I go far more for comfort than for looks.
If someone -- anyone -- needs something more than I do and I have it, it is theirs.
I believe without a shadow of a doubt that what goes around comes around.
I am not a church-goer usually, but no one's faith in God could be stronger than mine, and I worship him in private and also talk to him. I never understood how people believe that if you talk to God--that is praying, but if you say God talks to you -- they say that is insanity. Do they think He can hear but cannot speak?
Once I have called someone "friend", which usually takes a long time, then they are my friend for life, no matter what.
Five terms I love dearly are "honor, noble, respect, beauty, and truth". You could add to that "poker". LOL!
I am a halfbreed. My mother is American Indian and my father a fair and blond German.
I believe in patriotism to my country, but not necessarily to the people who make up its government at any given time.
I am a lifetime scholar, although I was an educator by profession.
And I am sure that is more than anyone cared to know about me, but it is a pretty complete and honest description.
RoyalCrush (aka royalblush) (aka real name Royal Heart) (aka legal name Bobbie Harris)