Hello Crushers and Happy New Year!!!
I thought I'd make a post in the Contest area to let you all know that some of the contests that we did in December ... the winners will not be announced until approximately the 5th of January.
These contests are:
LUU Contest
Everygame Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Deposit Contest
Go Wild Slots Tournament
Casino Rewards Tournament
*Not a contest but just incase you were wondering ... Our busy (speedy) Santa Claus and his Reindeer will be still be racing across CC until approximately January 5th.
Geno is on holiday until then. lol
**A reminder that Casinos may pay a little slower in January then other months, (year end stuff) so your patience on receiving your winnings will be very much appreciated!!! The delay shouldn't be more then a few days.
We hope that all our Wonderful Crusher Family and your loved ones have a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2011.
Happy New Year Crushers!!!
Your Crush Sites Staff
Geno, Rita, Sarah, Patti and Archie

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total