It was very strange without our OC there, but I managed to muddle through with my tin can -- with the help of all the wonderful and helpful chatters!
Special thanks to Allight for for being my timekeeper and to Nono for helping me keep track of all the chatters' numbers!
I finally got to use my pork'n'bean empty tin can! Well, it had dice in it.
On Al's signal, everybody guessed a number. Nono kept note of everyone's number and all I had to do was shake, shake, shake, and luck was with me , as some dice actually came rolling out onto the table! I counted the pips on the dice that came out and they added up to 17.
And guess what!
Chatter Kaykyl had picked 17, so she hit it on the nose for $30.
Congratulations, KayKyl !
And a great big THANK YOU to all who showed up for tonight's chat!
I had a great time, and the chat was merry, and I gave everyone an update on OC.
It would have been a lot more fun with her there, so OC, we hope those cable guys know what they are doing! Don't scare them so bad that they can't work!!!!!!! LOL!
Once again, congrats, KayKyl, thank you, chatters, and get your butt back here, OC! ROFLMAO!!!!!!
Love you every one!
Y'all come back now, ya hear?