Dear Crushers,
It's becoming increasingly clear that I'm not going to be able to do any more bingo sessions at 9pm EST (this is 2am in the morning for me).
With my added responsibilities now I need to get into a more realistic schedule but of course I want to continue with bingo at least once per week.
The latest time I can do going forward will be around 6pm EST.
The earliest time I can do would be around 3pm EST (the previous regular afternoon bingo time) - but this will depend on home life.
So, what I would like to do is change our bingo time to probably 3pm EST.
This is 8pm for me and much more fitting with my current home life.
So, I'd like to ask which of the following days would be best for most to do afternoon bingo.
Please cast your votes and feel free to post any extra information that will be useful for me to consider
Thank you all for your understanding and please cast your votes ASAP so that I can schedule them ready for next month.
Please note also that as our babies are due at the end of March, there will most likely be some last minute re-scheduling or cancellation towards t he end of the month. Don't worry - all Bingo Points (and Game Points etc) are automatically saved at the end of the month and I get an email copy also.
Anyway, for now -- please vote for the best day of the week for us to play Bingo Note that Monday and Saturday are not generally going to be possible for me and so these have been excluded.
Thanks and Happy Gaming Always,

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:58 pm; edited 2 times in total