Hi everyone,
Well, the CC team have been very busy working on some more new features for you all and we really hope you like them.
CC now also has a Portal page which is designed to give you the latest in one short screen so you can quickly tell what's going on, what's been going on since you last visited and well.. I'm sure you'll see it all or have already..
As always, we always value your input / feedback, so please post any comments in the 'shape our forum' area and we'll be checking by all the time to see what you think
For now, a little poll.. do you like the new portal idea?
Hope you've all had a great weekend are for those Microgaming/Viper peeps amongst you - hope you're having fun with the new games.. We sure are
Happy Gaming Always,
Geno & All the CC Staff

Last edited by crushadmin on Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:10 pm; edited 2 times in total