"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HELLO AGAIN! You could not have visited The Grand Hotel at a more opportune time! For I, Archibald, am in dire need of your help.. at a price, of course!
I am truly in love!
Her name is Helena and she is an angel! But there is one problem. Well it's my own fault really, but it's so important and now I really really need your help friends!
I did everything you all said when I met her in the lobby. I was calm and collected. I had a bottle of vintage on ice (thanks for that one Robert K) and I ditched my bow tie (as suggested thank you Harold B– she noticed!)
The entire evening felt like a dream. Seriously! I remembered how so many of you told me to be myself, and how the devious one's told me to make sure I looked interested when she spoke (that sure was hard at one point! she kept talking about chandeliers!)
As for you rude misbehaver's who suggested booking hotel rooms or '"visiting Amsterdam" I was the perfect gentleman thank you very ! She's so beautiful and charming! And so was I! Ahem! thanks to you all, friends.
But now I have a new problem!
She returns from her business trip on, aaaaaaaaaaah, VALENTINE’S DAY!
And as I held her close and kissed her goodnight, she said “Oh Archie, I can’t wait to see how charming you are on paper! Surely your Valentine’s card will be the most wonderful of all.”
And with that I froze, rigid as a deer in the headlights. I gulped and salvaged a smile. But this is not good!
OH I HAVE NEVER HAD A WAY WITH WORDS! I have paced up and down beside the great fireplace in The Grand Hotel, wracking my brain for the perfect sentiment, but it will not come to me!
Help me write the most perfect Valentine Card for Helena, my beautiful Valentine, and I will not be able to thank you enough! So here’s the deal…
I will award $15 free to any of you who have Valentine’s Sweet Nothings for me to write (you just need to meet our Terms and Conditions – simple!) The top three tips I choose will win special prizes!
The greatest one will receive $100 the second $75 and the third $50!
Oh Oh Oh and make sure to pop your account number down so I know where to find you!
Last time I was so sad to get such excellent tips from some of you creative types, but I couldn’t thank you with $15 free because you had not played and purchased in the time.
I have these terms and conditions so that my real friends, the real Grand Hotel Gamers, get the prizes they deserve. Some people try to weasel these prizes from me – and away from you!
So check out the boring bit below and help me win true love! May you all have a lovely Valentine’s too!
Till next time!
Me! Archie! Your best bet for a brilliant butler!

To qualify for this competition, you must purchase and play casino credit between February 4th and February 18th 2008!
All eligible entrants receive $15 free, and three winning entrants are randomly selected for higher accreditations.
Winners of $100, $75 or $50 do not receive the base $15 in addition to their prizes.
Prizes will be credited on February 15th 2008 and announced in the newsletter that day.