Dear Crushers,
With crypto currencies becoming a more popular way for people to deposit and withdraw from casinos I am considering the possibility of opening up a few options for contest winnings to be paid in this way.
I would like to gauge interest in this and would very much appreciate it if you could please make a vote in our poll (above) EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED please.
There are a few things to consider if wanting to have your future contest winnings paid this way:-
1. I may need to consider a higher payment threshold (like $50 rather than the current $20 for existing payment methods) so that any fixed fees on my side sending it are worthwhile.
2. I would prefer that you use a separate crypto address just for CC payments so that we can both track and ensure payments have been made (these addresses are not made public by CC - only used for sending and communicating to each individual member).
3. Any crypto address submitted by you MUST be copied and pasted EXACTLY and FULLY. Any money sent to an incorrect or invalid address will be lost and irretrievable. I will make some basic checks that the address is valid as much as I can but I will not be able to tell if it is yours - only that it is what you have entered in your payment method account details.
4. Once a payment has been sent by CC to your crypto address, there can be network delays for payments to complete (these are usually a few minutes but sometimes can be a few hours).
5. Also once payment has been sent by CC - the USD value of your crypto may change after (up or down) and by opting in for a crypto payment you will be accepting that.
I will review this along with any comments you write (as a reply to this topic or via PM). Please do not share any crypto address here. However if you have other preferred crypto currencies you may post them (with their code .. eg. BTC / Bitcoin) as a reply and I will add it to the possible poll options.
Thank you everyone
Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total